Mar 10, 2022
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Howdy, you have been invited to join Country Roleplay™!
CRP:tm: is a public non whitelist FiveM Community, that takes pride into giving our members a real chance for realism in there Roleplay experience. Join us today!
What do we offer?
~Active Staff!
~Fully Custom EUP!
~Over 200+ Scripts & Maps!
~Public/vMenu Based Server!
~400+ Civilian & Emergency Vehicles!
~Whitelisted LEO, Fire/EMS, & Dispatch!
~Server Events, Giveaways, & Tons More!
"Where the realism in roleplay begins!"
CRP:tm: is a public non whitelist FiveM Community, that takes pride into giving our members a real chance for realism in there Roleplay experience. Join us today!
What do we offer?
~Active Staff!
~Fully Custom EUP!
~Over 200+ Scripts & Maps!
~Public/vMenu Based Server!
~400+ Civilian & Emergency Vehicles!
~Whitelisted LEO, Fire/EMS, & Dispatch!
~Server Events, Giveaways, & Tons More!
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Link hidden for visitors. To see,
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"Where the realism in roleplay begins!"