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Mar 5, 2022

2 Mesaj

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Hello and thanks for checking us out! Here is some info about the server:
Looking for immersive RP that doesn’t stop you from having fun? Are you ready to Ascend to another level? Look no further than Ascended RP! We've got plenty of legal jobs, to start out working at; and plenty of player owned businesses to either own or work at as well! Tons of criminal activity that you can find and figure out as well as interiors and buildings to take over and turfs! Do you want to make a faction or join a faction? We have active MCs, Mafias, and other Syndicates to join! Make Ascended RP your virtual home away from home!
We offer:
⇢ Real Estate Agent;
⇢ Burger Shot Employee;
⇢ Mechanic;
⇢ Tuner;
⇢ Police Officer;
⇢ Media Crew;
⇢ Paramedic;
⇢ Garbage Disposal;
⇢ Delivery Driver;
⇢ Taxi Driver;
⇢ Cart Vendor;
⇢ Miner;
⇢ Hunter;
And much more!
Looking for immersive RP that doesn’t stop you from having fun? Are you ready to Ascend to another level? Look no further than Ascended RP! We've got plenty of legal jobs, to start out working at; and plenty of player owned businesses to either own or work at as well! Tons of criminal activity that you can find and figure out as well as interiors and buildings to take over and turfs! Do you want to make a faction or join a faction? We have active MCs, Mafias, and other Syndicates to join! Make Ascended RP your virtual home away from home!
We offer:
- Great team of experienced roleplayers. We will provide new players with limited knowledge in RP a great place to learn. Join one of the factions to learn how to RP properly and join them in their story or branch out when you feel ready to start your own faction. We have active Faction Handlers monitoring the factions to ensure quality role-play and those factions will be rewarded accordingly.
- Streamer friendly! We have a Great team in ARP that cares for the community. We are helping our content creators grow and give feedback on the streams and help along the way.
- Tons of Jobs and criminal stuff to do. We are still actively expanding the available jobs, both legal and illegal. Progress with your activities and they will lead to greater opportunities like robbing banks or becoming CEO of a company! There are already a lot of jobs for Civilians available, for example:
⇢ Real Estate Agent;
⇢ Burger Shot Employee;
⇢ Mechanic;
⇢ Tuner;
⇢ Police Officer;
⇢ Media Crew;
⇢ Paramedic;
⇢ Garbage Disposal;
⇢ Delivery Driver;
⇢ Taxi Driver;
⇢ Cart Vendor;
⇢ Miner;
⇢ Hunter;
And much more!
- In-depth Crafting System that expands based on your skills and well rewarding! Keep it up and you will be able to craft almost anything.
- Vin-Scratching, Stick-Ups and Elaborate Heists will await you with your criminal endeavors. You can become or make connections with supplying illegal firearms, drugs and more!
- Custom Vehicles are being added periodically. There will always be new vehicles to test out and explore!
- Housing System. Whether you live in a shady motel room or a fancy villa, you can buy and place your own furniture!
- Donation Perks will give you access to fun stuff, like a pet, certain cosmetics, more house/vehicle/player slots and more! No pay-to-win items! We hope to see you around! And if you're new to role-play let us know so we can give you the additional help you need!
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