
  1. babydev

    ServerFile {ÜCRETLİ} BABY QBUS V.1

    Öncelikle Herkese Selamlar Üzerinde Çalışıp Fix'lediğim Paketi Satışa Sunmaya Karar Verdim :) NOT: TEST SUNUCUSU MEVCUTTUR. F3 RADIAL MENU: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1023709764296917043/1029857180398137425/f3.PNG EV SATIN ALMA...
  2. GBRP-Kenny

    Advertisement [UK/EU │Great Britain RP│Serious Roleplay │Custom Vehicles│Drugs/Gangs │Custom Legal/Illegal Jobs │MET Police / NHS│ActiveStaff / Devlopers│Custom MLO

    Great Britain Roleplay server, latest qbus framework has all the best features & scripts there is to FiveM, high skilled police, working jobs, criminal activity, serious roleplay with character backgrounds and great community. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🗣️ ▸Excellent Roleplay & Outgoing Community...
  3. Script Carremote - QBus

    https://www.mediafire.com/file/avty7vacy5z8a40/Carremote.rar/file Qbus Remote Control Simple carremote

    Advertisement NEW BRITISH ROLEPLAY SERVER 2022

    looking for all dept hire and staff positions https://discord.gg/9Z2H2EJv
  5. PAID jd-multicharacter v2 (QBCore) NP-Inspired

    Details; - You can easily configure the script. - Full fix Plug n Play. - low MS. Frameworks; - QBCore Showcase; jd-multicharacterv2 Buy ; Join the Jezzy Development Discord Server!
  6. adee

    Phone QB-Phone New V4

    Description:- qb-phone_new V4 without any bug with all stuff. Also change the webhook link on client/main.lua/line:- 1130 Also download this for tweeter camera Download Phone sql download Rar password: ArizOp Required Files; -QBCore
  7. kirou

    Guide QBUS Eski sürümü yeni sürüme çevirme

    local QBCore = nil Citizen.CreateThread(function() while QBCore == nil do TriggerEvent("QBCore:GetObject", function(obj)QBCore = obj end) Citizen.Wait(200) end end) Bu kod satırını altta bıraktığım kod satırı ile değiştiriyorsunuz. local QBCore =...
  8. pixicarmen

    Request qb-carkeys Arıyorum

    Merhabalar, başlıkta da bahsettiğim gibi QBUS metalı anahtar arıyorum.







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